Charter fishing Lake Michigan salmon has become a popular way of enjoying Wisconsin outdoors. Lake Michigan produces huge salmon every year. These salmon are the bread and butter of charter fishing on Lake Michigan. Salmon grow large in the Wisconsin waters of Lake Michigan. Charter fishing Lake Michigan for salmon and trout has never been better.
If you are planning on Charter fishing Lake Michigan salmon, this is the place to be. Kenosha, Wisconsin is ranked the number 1 port in Wisconsin year after year for charter fishing Lake Michigan salmon.
Charter fishing Lake Michigan salmon produces great catches of salmon and trout throughout the charter fishing season. The charter fishing season for salmon on Lake Michigan in Wisconsin starts in Late April and runs through October. Start planning now for your 2025 Lake Michigan salmon charter fishing adventure.
The start of another season of charter fishing Lake Michigan salmon is coming. Here a couple small Chinook salmon caught while fishing lake Michigan on the charter fishing boat, Fish Hunter. Last year was a great year for salmon charter fishing on Lake Michigan. The 2025 charter season is just around the corner, start planning your next Charter fishing adventure for Lake Michigan salmon.
Call now to book your next Lake Michigan charter fishing adventure. Salmon and trout are caught in huge numbers off the shores of Kenosha Wisconsin while charter fishing for salmon on Lake Michigan. Kenosha is the place for charter fishing Lake Michigan salmon.
Charter fishing Lake Michigan salmon has grown into a huge business in the Midwest. This nice Chinook salmon was caught on Lake Michigan while charter fishing on the FISH HUNTER.
Charter fishing Lake Michigan salmon began in the late 60’s. After years of commercial netting had reduced the lake trout populations in Lake Michigan to almost zero, Lake Michigan was in a state of ruin. The waters of Lake Michigan were polluted and void of game fish. Alewives, a small bait fish brought to Lake Michigan by ocean going vessels, had quickly taken over the lake. Masses of these small fish were washing ashore on beaches throughout lake Michigan. Something had to be done.
The first attempts at stocking salmon and trout were very successful. Within a few years every harbor on the lake a fleet of fishing boats. Charter Fishing Lake Michigan salmon had started. Today there are charter boats operating from every harbor on the lake.
Chinook salmon and rainbow trout like this are a big part of Lake Michigan charter fishing. Charter fishing in Wisconsin is great for family adventures.
Lake Michigan was formed by glaciers between 1,000,000 and 10,000 years ago. Lake Michigan gets its name from the Indian word “Michi gami”, which translates as “Lake of the stinking water”. Lake Michigan is the only great lake located entirely within the US. It is the largest lake in the US and the 6th largest lake in the world. It is the perfect destination for a Charter fishing Lake Michigan salmon adventure.
Lake Michigan is 307 miles long and 118 miles across. The deepest spot is over 960 feet. It takes 99 years to completely circulate and replenish the supply of water in Lake Michigan. The diversity of the lake is what makes salmon fishing so great. Charter fishing Lake Michigan salmon benefits from the rapid changes in depth and temperature.
Chinook Salmon
These are the main attraction when charter fishing Lake Michigan for salmon. The state record Chinook salmon is 43 pounds, 3 oz. Chinook salmon in Lake Michigan grow fast. These hard fighting fish are the main focus for charter boats fishing on Lake Michigan.
A lake Michigan charter fishing trip is perfect for families to enjoy time together in Wisconsin’s outdoors. This limit catch of Coho is typical for a May trip in Kenosha on Lake Michigan.
Michigan. They average 2 to 30 pounds, depending on their age. Chinook salmon grow fast over a 4 year period then spawn on Every year anglers catch 180,000 to 200,000 Chinook salmon in Lake Michigan. Many of these fish are caught while charter fishing Lake Michigan. More than 2,000,000 Chinook salmon are stocked each year by state agencies in the rivers that feed Lake Michigan. Charter fishing for these fish has become a very popular annual event.
Another beautiful Chinook salmon on ice. A Lake Michigan charter fishing trip produces memories as well as great tasting fish for the freezer. Charter fishing Lake Michigan salmon is a great way to spend a summer day with friends and family. The Fish Hunter is now taking bookings for the 2025 charter fishing season for salmon on Lake Michigan.
Charter fishing Lake Michigan salmon is a great way to enjoy summer in Wisconsin. Sunrise on a warm summer morning while charter fishing Lake Michigan salmon is a great way to start the day.
Charter fishing Lake Michigan salmon is perfect for all ages. Fishing on Lake Michigan requires a large boat with modern equipment.
A few nice trout and salmon caught while Charter fishing on Lake Michigan. Lake Michigan charter fishing for salmon is great for all ages.
Coho salmon are caught in huge numbers at the beginning of our Lake Michigan charter fishing season.
A great catch of salmon caught while trolling on Lake Michigan during a charter fishing trip in Kenosha, Wisconsin.